The road to understanding nomads’ lives, how they are affected by economic development, and their views of conservation, runs through many a tent. Lined by countless cups of tea and stories shared, by challenges and treks on horseback, and by unfamiliar notions it is a road that is unfrequented and untravelled upon. I will wear down the soles of my shoes on that road, I will get tired on that road, but I will find something along it that I cannot find elsewhere.

25 November 2006

Least Reassuring Comment of the Week Award

...goes to Sue, a British NGO worker who drove me home last night. As her red Toyota bumped its way to the gate to my house, we splashed through the sewage stream that the men in space suits sprayed with scary fumes the other week. She took a good look, let me out of the car, and said, in the same breath as she wished me good night, “Yeah... you might get malaria.”

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